We've been home from vacation for three weeks already. That doesn't seem possible. The ins and outs of each day fill up every spare moment without hardly trying—school, PT, teaching piano, cleaning at church, meetings, book club, a writing project for a friend, Bible study "homework," phone calls, appointments, returning emails, errands—all of these part-time gig/I'm-the-mom-gotta-get-it-done/volunteer things seem to leave little time for much else.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to stay busy. I have always joked that I thrive on a full calendar and the challenge of making everything fit. It's absolutely 100% true. However, sometimes that busy means I feel as if I miss out on "moments" by focusing too far ahead, or living a bit too much for future plans, rather than being fully present in the now. It also becomes difficult to leave space for fun, spontaneity, or things we want to do just because we want to do them, not because we have a responsibility to fulfill.
Maybe I digress a bit. Time. It's incredible to me that it has already been five weeks since Kaleigh moved back to school. Five weeks since we've seen her. She's thriving in college and that makes me incredibly happy. But, we miss her...a lot. She manages her course load, multiple rehearsals each week, and work schedule like an absolute pro. We manage the household activities and the day-to-day "stuff" just fine without her, but let me be perfectly clear...Her presence here is missed :)
The picture below is the last time the little guys and I went to see her at school—"just us," as Josiah phrased it. That February day trip was a spur of the moment/she didn't even know we were showing up/made plans the night before opportunity, and we had the best day.
Despite the "busy" that always surrounds us, we managed to make an actual intentional plan for a visit this week. The boys and I leave early tomorrow morning for another "just us" time with her. This one isn't a surprise, I wanted to make sure she is actually available to spend a few hours with us. Of course, once we're there, the bigger one of these two will pretend he has no emotion about the journey, and the littlest tough guy will put on an act as if he doesn't miss her, but it's all he has been talking about all week. Can't wait to see my girl.
