Written Works
Here are all of my published books, with Amazon links. Descriptions of each are below.

Greater Than Grief: Two Brothers Against Duchenne
Greater than Grief is a family memoir of sorts. We had such a long journey to complete our family: pregnancy loss, a NICU stay and resulting permanent hearing loss, difficult fostering situations, and four failed adoption attempts. We learned a lot about loss and love and God's perfect timing during those years. We are also surrounded by a community full of love and support for our family as we face the ongoing effects of a progressive, terminal disease.
I hope this book serves as a bit of a guide for those facing similar circumstances—navigating a diagnosis, and looking for hope, while trying to live each day to the fullest. I pray you find some commonality with our family's experiences.
This book is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.
66 Days: Getting in the Habit of God's Word
I've always wanted to have a healthy, consistent devotional life, but have never been able to quite get there. I repeatedly allow life and busyness and distraction to get in my way.
66 Days, a book of brief devotions, was originally begun to help me better be able to work toward that habit. I asked several other "beta readers" to follow along on their own 66-day journeys in order to experience the book in much the same way I did as I wrote it. I intended for each day's selection to be written in a comfortable, casual way while addressing topics and experiences that many of us have in common. I also hoped to touch on the basic tenets of the Christian faith— ones we can all generally agree on, despite denominational differences.
Based on feedback received, I believe I've achieved that. Each day's reading is short enough to not take an excessive amount of time, yet hopefully "meaty" enough for the reader to feel they've gotten something out of the reflection. There are additional verses listed for each day if someone wants to dive a bit deeper.
This is the kind of habit that could benefit each of us.
This book is also available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.
Waiting by the Manger: A Journal for Reflection & Prayer
The hustle and bustle of the holidays often brings us to a frazzled state. Our focus too often shifts to gift giving, food, and festivities, instead of where it should be—on Christ.
This simple journal is intended to be used as a tool for reflection and prayer, beginning with Advent, throughout the season of Christmas, and ending with the Day of Epiphany. Even though the length of Advent varies from year to year, "Waiting by the Manger" is written in a way that it can be used in any calendar year, no matter the length of the season.
The brief daily readings remind us of God's promises to send a Savior and his plan for salvation. Using the provided questions allows for focus and reflection on God's ever-present love. Listing out daily thankgivings and writing personalized prayers wrap up the daily tasks. A short 5-10 minutes is all it takes to re-frame and re-focus our day.
As you reflect on the provided Scripture verses and prepare your heart for the arrival of the Christ-Child, may you find peace and joy on the journey to Bethlehem!
This journal is available as a paperback on Amazon.
At the Foot of the Cross: A Journal for Reflection & Prayer
Lent is a season of preparation. The Christian Church throughout the world spends six weeks in prayer and penitence, awaiting the crucified and risen Christ. Many choose to “give up” something for Lent, focusing on fasting and purification. Others spend dedicated time in study with daily devotions, Scripture reading, and prayer. Each of these are ways in which we can bring our focus to Christ’s ministry, suffering, and death in anticipation of his glorious resurrection on Easter morning.
Similar in stying to "Waiting by the Manger," "At the Foot of the Cross" is a simple journal intended to be used as a tool for reflection and prayer beginning with Ash Wednesday, throughout the season of Lent, and ending with Easter Sunday.
Traditionally, there are 40 days in Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday (not including Sundays). I organized this journal to include the Sundays also, so there would be a consistency and rhythm to the season, no matter the day of the week. There are 47 days total. Although the date for Ash Wednesday varies from year to year, the total length of days in the season of Lent remains the same. This journal can be used in any calendar year.
Christ was sent to be our salvation. From his time in the lowly manger to his death on the cross, he completed every requirement of the Law and sacrificed everything in order to provide us grace, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life in heaven with him. Salvation is ours. May this Lenten journey remind each of us the Father loved us so deeply that he sent his one and only Son.
This journal is available as a paperback from Amazon.
Morning Mercies:
A Journal for Gratitude and Prayer
This is the simplest of my creations: Morning Mercies. This 8-week journal gives you space to reflect on your day and your week. What was hard? What went well? What are you grateful for today? A Bible verse is included for daily reflection and there's also a short prayer to close out your brief time in reflection. There is plenty of extra space for writing/journaling your thoughts. A weekly recap in included to record where you saw God active in and around you, what gratitudes stood out for you in the week.
Use these simply pages to stay in God's Word in some way each day and to reflect upon His great love for you!
This journal is available as a paperback on Amazon.