It makes me sad to see him so unhappy.
In the throes of a fit, the middle of a parenting “opportunity”…..this is what I want to record as a reminder to me that in the end IT IS ALL WORTH IT. The hard stuff of the day-to-day training of little people, regardless of the anger, frustrations, sadness, exhaustion and sometimes tears, will have a positive end.
Is raising my children to listen to my voice and heed my instruction difficult? ABSOLUTELY! Is putting my 4 year old back in time out literally 22 times in a row because he keeps getting up exhausting? DEFINITELY! Is reminding my 15 year old EACH AND EVERY day to be observant of his surroundings (empty the trash that’s overflowing, load the dishwasher that is empty when you see the sink exploding with dishes) overkill? NO!
Teaching manners and politeness. Interrupting wrestling matches. Anticipating a thrown toy. Following through on discipline REPEATEDLY. My end goal is to help to develop a crew of God-fearing, loving, responsible adults. I’m doing the best I can. So far, most of the results with the big kids are pretty encouraging. But man, am I tired. See that face below? It’s so amazing after all is finished and forgiven to get a hug from the guy in that photo down there. 🙂
