Rash decisions aren't my thing. I prefer a bit of slow and steady, think things through (but don't overthink!) mentality for much of life. I tend to mull ideas over a bit in my own head, and pray about them, seeking guidance, before broaching a subject with my husband or running a plan past a friend.
I also like the comfort of routine. It's important for my boys in particular to have a daily rhythm and expectation. There aren't too many surprises around here, that's for sure. Our day-to-day schedule is pretty much the same each and every day. When there are changes, I know to introduce, remind, and expect some kickback, even if the change involves something GOOD. Change is hard for my boys. Change can be hard for me too.
At some point, everyone takes a leap of some kind...choosing a college, dating someone new, deciding it's time to start a family, making a career change.
My husband and I took a leap when he decided to attend the seminary. We left our jobs and our friends behind, and started a new and very different adventure.
We took a leap when we started the adoption process, and then another leap when we said "yes" to Samuel, and then once again when we reached out to the agency about adopting for a second time before Josiah arrived on the scene.
I took a leap a year ago when I published our family's story, but it wasn't the publishing of a book itself that was a leap—although it definitely involved a learning curve. The leap was in truly opening myself up enough to be raw and transparent about my emotions and experiences, letting others read my personal thoughts.
That single experience has since led to other leaps: submitting essays for consideration to multiple online platforms, writing/publishing a daily devotional and now an Advent journal [shameless plug: all three of my books are available on Amazon], and most recently, applying for a part-time remote job.
So far, those leaps have turned out to be positive experiences. For sure, there are difficult moments and questions along the way. "Is this the right decision for right now?" Despite the comfort of the same old every day stuff, sometimes you have to take a leap. Otherwise, life gets stagnant and stale. You feel stuck.
Soon, "new" feels comfortable even though it's different, allowing for personal growth and relationship building. I hope to live boldly and without fear. I want to take chances in a good way. I plan to fully embrace what life has to offer and use my gifts and talents in the best way possible.
What is a leap you've taken recently, or one you're contemplating now?
