I would think by now I’d have a better grip on the chaos of my household. It’s not always insane, but a low level someone-is-always-discontented-can’t-get-anything-done-without-interruption kind of quality reigns continually.
Some days I handle it well – take everything in stride, continue on to the next scheduled activities, food prep goes well, laundry still gets switched to the dryer and folded and put away. Somehow I’m able to put on my “calm and patient” face and move on through the day.
Other days, like today (mind you, it’s only 9:30, but there’s been movement in the household for nearly 3 hours at this point), it’s not going so well. Josiah (still getting over a cold) is moody, Samuel (thinks he’s in charge of the TV and Josiah) is bossy, Gabriel (off at work, so little help at the moment) had a rough and irritated send-off and Kaleigh (trying to get some school work done, interrupted by her brothers, and I just want to take a shower but that means she has to be supervisor to littles) is low on patience.
I want to scream, but that would be juvenile, now wouldn’t it? I want to throw something to get their attention so that they stop the hollering, crying and whining, but pretty sure that could be seen as aggressive. I want some quiet, but certain once I get off the computer to actually go take said shower, someone will come knocking – forget the 15 minutes of solitude.
Working outside of the home is hard. Trying to juggle work/home/social life and schedules must be an amazingly difficult task. I worked before kids, took some time off when the bigs were littles and worked part-time when the bigs were entering school age and I was able to be on their schedule. I’ve never tried to juggle full-time outside of the house employment AND family stuff.
What I do know is that full-time at home, homeschooling, babysitting a couple of days a week, hubby with non-consistent work hours, teens and littles in the house is HARD. Some days I’m confidently up to the task and we have some huge successes. Other days, unfortunately like today, getting through the next hour until lunch seems insurmountable.
Wish me luck – I just had 5 minutes of uninterrupted quiet 🙂
