This is probably my favorite picture EVER of this little guy. We never thought we’d have a 4th child….after waiting so long after our big two for Samuel to arrive, we were totally content with the size of our crew and the number of residents in our home. The phone call we received about Josiah’s birth approximately 6 weeks into the future and the flurry of paperwork we completed in that exceedingly short amount of time meant we didn’t have an opportunity to process the changes we were about to experience.
Over the last 2+ years we have had so much tired, so much volume, so much busy. We’ve also had so much joy, so much laughter, so much love.
Josiah is a sweet, loving little munchkin – freely giving squeezy hugs and sloppy kisses. He exceptional vocabulary skills give a fascinating (especially in light of my former work as a speech pathologist) look into the workings of a two year old’s brain. He is literally like an open book, spouting off whatever it is that he’s thinking at the moment, “I’m going to dump out the cars now,” “I’m going to hide from you,” “I’m hiding right here,” “I don’t want to eat the apple slices, I want to eat pineapple for lunch.” It’s a running commentary full of some very predictable behaviors and interesting insights.
Josiah runs everywhere he goes, his bare feet smack, smack, smacking across the floor (usually bare legs as well, since he hates wearing pants – although he knows if we leave the house he must have his lower body clad with appropriate clothing). He is constantly in the snack cabinet getting a fruit pouch, bringing me a peach cup and a spoon or asking for chocolate chips and cashews (heavy on the chocolate chips). He adores Samuel, and tries to imitate everything he does (good and bad). He’s stubborn, yet oh so very polite. He adores his daddy, but his mommy will do when daddy’s not around. He’s the only child who’s slept in our bed with any regularity (I’m chalking it up to I’m old and tired and he really doesn’t take up much room!)
There are days where it totally seems like the schedule is too full, the chauffeuring too crazy, the house too loud. Although I complain, secretly I’m so glad it is. Josiah makes a pretty amazing “baby of the family”. We are thankful to have been given the honor of calling him our son and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for him.