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Distracted living

Writer: Christena EstbyChristena Estby

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

There are so many days I can’t get anything done (lesson planning, loading the dishwasher, responding to a text, taking a shower) without EXCESSIVE interruptions. Long involved tasks are completely out of the question much of the time. And sometimes the tasks I can and do complete take 2-3 times longer than they really should, which I find so very frustrating.

As a Type A, organized, efficient, get-it-done personality by nature, it’s very difficult for me to refocus and regroup the fourth or fifth time I have to stop the little guys from wrestling too aggressively in the living room while I’m in the kitchen prepping dinner, or when the big two get in some sort of shouting match while I’m writing out a grocery list. Let’s not even think about a phone call- incoming or outgoing- even if I’m hiding in the computer room, or the mudroom, or the bathroom, they find me.

Other distractions are brought on by me – one more round of a game on my phone, feeling the need to reply IMMEDIATELY to a text message, trying to multitask more tasks than my brain can currently handle.

In my frustration, I sometimes get angry. Or loud. Or both.

I want to be able to focus on a task completely and to be able to DO IT WELL. I want to be able to spend play time and have conversations with my children without a nagging feeling that I’m not “getting anything done”.

It comes down to a balance and a measure of grace: living intentionally, yet not such a structured existence that there isn’t opportunity for spontaneity; being organized enough to stay on top of the ongoing mess of living in a house with other people, yet shifting standards enough that I can relax and sometimes be the “fun” parent.

Christ is to be the center of my life and the center of our home. All focus should be on Him- not my phone, the schedule, or the to-do list. Daily earthly distractions pull me from where He has called me to be: serving Him through serving my family- modeling love and forgiveness, guiding toward responsibility and respect, teaching and correcting. I have to daily ask for His guidance and grace as I stumble through this parenting gig.

Today was a good day, both bathrooms cleaned, school completed for Samuel, a couple of loads of laundry done, books read to little boys, generally tidying, puzzles put together, drawings completed. Lots got done, and some fun was had. Generally, there was peace and harmony (mostly). Yesterday? Well, that was a complete disaster. But didn’t I say it was all about balance and grace?😉



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